Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Our Schools and ?Stocks?

Dow Jones fell 416 points today. It will affect my portfolio. But, the majority of New Jerseyans, who lives from paycheck to paycheck, may not feel the difference. Prices on the gas pump and weekly groceries will most likely be the same in the coming months. I feel the same way and I do empathise with them. What goes up must come down sometimes. I am not frazzled.It will come up in its own time. I believe in capitalism and global economy. It is like riding on a roller coaster at Six Flag. What matters is we live as dignified human beings.

School aid is coming to middle class school districts. It is time that we should nurture a strong middle class base, which is the foundation of a more democratic and equitable society in the State of New Jersey. To invest on the children of these districts is a good start.

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