Friday, June 13, 2008

Commerce Bike Five Boro Bike Tour 2008

What an experience to bike! I will do it again. See you in 2009.

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Jersey's Eight Grade Students

The Star Ledger wrote a front page article about New Jersey's eight grade students have the mastery and command of writing and prose in the English language.

It was a bit surprise for me. New Jersey has a very diverse residents that English would be diluted and somehow be put in the background by most first and second generation immigrant residents. It was a fallacy. Despite their ethnic background, the second generation would be assimilated to the American culture.

I give credit to their parents, who are less educated and barely speak the English language, but pursue the American dream and the teachers, who sees the potential of each students.

Diversity works!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Think Nuclear!

We are so much dependent on oil that we are at the mercy of oil producing nations. Every one are talking and doing something about a "clean" alternative source of energy, like wind, solar, geo-thermal, bio-fuels, ad infinitum.

The real solution NOW is going nuclear! Nuclear energy is a very cost effective source of energy. The leaders of these oil producing nations will sweat and shrink their balls.

What about nuclear waste? No problem. We have the technology. Build a rocket, pack the nuclear waste in it and aim toward the sun. It will turn to vapors even before reaching the sun.

My two cent wisdom from New Jersey...:)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Three Students at Rutgers

Three students at Rutgers recieved the Gates Cambridge Scholarship Foundation, second to Harvard University who recieved four of their students. Two from these institutions are recipients of this very competitive award, Princeton, Yale and MIT.

It is a state university, but it reflects the quality of its students and faculties.

Hail to Queen's College, The Rutgers University!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Microsoft Bid On Yahoo

If this happens, it will make my Yahoo/Flickr seamless with Google/Blogger. I am sold to the buyout.

Let us keep web life simple. What is their stocks option to the public?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jersey, we are not stupid

Despite all the media's doomsday scenarios about Jersey, NJ Division of Investment bought some preferred stocks at Citigroup and Merill.

Being a Jersey, the State can be a survivor and leader of the pack.

Let me know, if otherwise.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Some Pressing Issues About Public Finances In New Jersey

New Jersey's public debt is dangerously in the brink of bankruptcy.

I could not fathom the wisdom of the ordinary citizen of this great state against the wisdom of his leadership about the debt of this state. He knows more about money than anyone in New Jersey.

It is the arrogance of its citizens, their political affiliation, and their respective politicians that matters.

I do not want our state called a "WHINNY" state, please.

I prefer Garden State :).