Monday, May 28, 2007

A Taste of Spring and Summer To Come

It is the last day of a long holiday weekend.

WE invited a couple of friends for a cook out with homemade burgers and Jersey manufactured hot dogs. We hanged out by the pool with wine, Samuel Adams beer and some hors douevres.

It was a laid back afternoon enjoying an 80 degree weather with sun and clear blue sky.

But a taste of spring and summer to come was when I was tending and exploring my backwoods yesterday. In addition to the beautiful sounds of birds, occasional sights of deer and hopping wild rabbits, there were these voracious blood sucking mosquitoes and horse flies getting onto my skin. By the way, horse fly's proboscis can get through a regular cotton t-shirt! And also the gnats...those tiny insects that hoover your head, it can get into any unprotected human orifices.

I said to myself, welcome to the countryside of Tewksbury.

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