Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fight on Terrorism

US went to war against terrorism and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only to find out WMD was peanuts and sectarian violence among religious fanatics was the menu of the day (similar to christian and catholic fanatics).

Here comes Afghanistan. US is spending about 2 billions a year for the adventure which costing young lives, because of freedom. It is not freedom. It is fear that the Taliban and Al Queda will rule USA. It will not happen, but fear-mongers are good doing its job. By geography, Afghanistan is almost halfway around the globe from USA.

USA is better of by pulling its troops, Karzai and its would care less. It is corrupt anyway. Focused on counter-insurgency. It is less expensive and keeps the Taliban and Al Qaeda guessing.

USA should learn its lesson from the former USSR on their adventure in Afghanistan.

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