Monday, November 3, 2014

Midterm election in relation to the minorities (blacks and naturalized immigrants)

This is a too late blog post. Being naturalized citizen since 1986, I come to realize that voting for the presidency is not  as crucial as this midterm election. I have seen the dysfunction in Congress when there is severe polarization. When strict ideology intervenes with humanity's issues of its constituents. I am well aware that the mainstream US citizen which is mostly native born (and white) knows this issue. This awareness has not been disseminated to the minorities especially the immigrants. These constituents believe that voting a president that empathize with their issues and grievances will somehow solve their problems. I have seen the deadlock between the President and Congress. Immigrants and minorities are here to pursue their dreams but they are denied because of the unawareness or consciousness of the political process. They came from countries where there is no political power of its people. That a benevolent paternalistic President will solve their issues. Their adapted country which USA is founded on three important branches. They are aware of the President and the laws of the land being law abiding constituents but not  how they can have an important impact into the law making branch of the government. It is the reason why midterm election is so important. Midterm election is traditionally a low turn out for minorities and young voters. It is a disservice to these constituents if we can not make them aware. This political power must reach their consciousness. I wish I can translate it to different languages spoken in the USA.

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